Thursday, February 24, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

65. Anticipation of my NG8….our 8th annual sister trip. San Antonio better get ready!
66. New Testament Challenge that has really challenged me to know more about Jesus.
67. The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances so…..thank you for the rain. (Teeth clenched, but I said it.)
68. My children. They have already been on my list but they bring me joy every day as I watch the people they have become and are becoming. All three have wonderfully tender, sweet hearts.
69. Friends who text and call and email to encourage and inspire me almost daily.
70. Brett Cobler’s sweet care and attention to his grandmother.
71. Our church’s praise team and musicians. Sunday’s music was absolutely great for leading us to the throne of God.
72. Upcoming time away with my good friend Lindsay.
73. A church family that provides role models for my teen-age daughter.
74. Tamales

1 comment:

Lori said...

Tamales...that's GREAT!!! Hehe...