Monday, August 31, 2009

A Peek at our Vacation

The first of August was a wonderful time for Dennis, Katie and me. We loaded up the Expedition and headed south to Kemp, Texas-our favorite vacation spot. You have probably never even heard of Kemp but it is where my sister Nora lives. Her house is just about the most relaxing place I know to visit. Here is a snap of that little abode:

My favorite part of visiting her, besides seeing Nora, is spending time on her wonderful porch. The picture above gives you the outside glimpse. Well, here is part of the inside. I realized, too late, that I didn't get a picture of the gazebo portion on the inside. I will confess, though, that the part in this picture is my favorite spot:

Maybe you noticed the "noodles" under the daybed in that last picture. She lives across the street from the lake so we got to spend one afternoon relaxing there. The water is not too deep for those of us who aren't really swimmers. We lounged around, floating and hanging on to the noodles until the sky began to look like this:

It is always sad to say goodbye to Nora and head home. I could stay there forever. Next, you will get to our short visit to Fin and Feather.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Great pics! Looks like a great time, love the porch!