Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When was the last time you...............

............were bored? Stare at the wall, twiddle your thumbs, mind numbing bored. If you are like me you cannot remember a time like that. I was commenting to Dennis today that I couldn't believe how many people on Facebook post about being bored. They are bored to tears, bored to death, bored out of their skulls, bored as all get out, soooo bored, really bored.............ad nauseam. Seriously, you have been out of school for only five days and you are bored?

Often I get into conversations with other women about whether to work or stay home. I am always surprised when someone says they wouldn't want to stay home because they would be so bored. Who ARE these people? Do they really get everything done every week and have nothing to do? Do they not have any interests? Bored? I just don't understand it.

And, just to make it clear that I am not talking about 210 channels to keep me from being bored. I am not a big television watcher. And, I mainly watch programs that have been recorded so I can skip the commercials, skip to the good parts and get it over. When I am home alone the television doesn't even get turned on.

What would keep me from being bored? Well.....how about EVERYTHING! I could never be done cleaning or organizing or fixing something around the house. (Dennis would say that's because I would never start!) I could sit in my cozy corner in the morning for prayer and study time and not have to watch the clock and cut it off because it's time to go to work. I could research fabulous recipes and cook new things all the time. I would write letters and cards to stay in touch and encourage friends and family. I could volunteer. I could read. And then read. Oh, I could read. I could go sit at the hospital when there is a need. I could watch someone's children so they could go to Bible study. I could go to Bible study. I could lead a Bible study.

I think I have made my point. I just don't see where boredom comes into play for anyone. If you can argue for the other side, please comment.


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, I never get bored! Too much to do during my day. Also, if I ever hear a mother of a 1 year old say they are bored, I might just FALL OVER!

Erin said...

I miss the days of being bored. ;) And it is surprising just how fast the day passes even though "all I did" was take care of a baby. When someone asks me what I did that day, I don't have much to say other than nurse, change diapers and sing with a baby...and yet the hours fly by! No time for being bored!

Megan said...

Hmmm, the last time I was bored was at my old job where I had to start commercials during the breaks of the LA baseball games. UGHHH, 4 hours of radio baseball! Anyways, that was a long time ago, and I agree, it is hard to be bored now a days. (In fact, I think I am too busy sometimes.) If only we could get all those bored (high school) kids together and teach them to cook or sew or how to house keep so that they would be more prepared for life! Then they could use that 'bored' time for something beneficial. I wish I had done that so I would have been better equipped! Actually, that isn't a bad idea...

Whitney said...

Oh, Verla, I am with you 100%!!!!! I've had people say "I could never be a SAHM, I'd go CRAZY with boredom" and I always reply, "How?! There's always something to do!" I honestly can't remember the last time I was bored. Especially with Weebs around. No time to be bored. Boredom usually is a result of a bad case of the lazies.

Living Abundantly said...

I totally agree, V. Too much to do to be bored! And so many options to participate in during "free time". Don't understand those comments either.